Jordan Lejuwaan • • 2 min read
10 EPIC Quotes from “Conversations With God”

“Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue“ by Neal Walsh is one of my favorite books of all time, hands down. It is written from the point of view of god (but it’s not religion, so don’t scoff quite yet) telling man how he should live his life. I like to think of it as god’s hypothetical edits to the incredibly skewed, modern interpretation of the ‘The Bible.’
Below I list my ten favorite quotes from Conversations with God. I read these every morning and I would encourage you to do the same!
1“Go ahead an do what you really love to do! Do nothing else! You have so little time. How can you think of wasting a moment doing something for a living you don’t like to do? What kind of a living is that? That is not a living, that is a dying!”
2“You are making a mockery of Me. You are saying that I, God, made inherently imperfect beings, then have demanded of them to be perfect, or face damnation. You are saying then that, somewhere several thousand years into the world’s experience, I relented, saying that from then on you didn’t necessarily have to be good, you simply had to feel bad when you were not being good, and accept as your savior the One Being who could always be perfect, thus satisfying My hunger for perfection. You are saying that My Son–who you call the One Perfect One–has saved you from your own imperfection–the imperfection that I gave you. In other words, God’s Son has saved you from what His Father did.”
3“There is no coincidence, and nothing happens ‘by accident.’ Each event and adventure is called to your Self by your Self in order that you might create and experience Who You Really Are. All that is required is to know this. For you are the creator of your own reality, and life can show up in no other way for you than the way in which you think it will.”
4“The purpose of a relationship is not to have another who might complete you; but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.”
5“The laws are very simple: 1. Thought is creative. 2. Fear attracts like energy. 3. Love is all there is.”
6“Heaven–as you call it–is nowhere. Let’s just put some space between the w and the h in that word and you’ll that heaven is now…here.”
7“Know and understand that there will be challenges and difficult times. Don’t try to avoid them. Welcome them. Gratefully. Cultivate the technique of seeing all problems as opportunities. Opportunities to…be, an decide, Who You Really Are.”
8“If you want guarantees in life, then you don’t want life. You want rehearsals for a script that’s already been written. Life by its nature cannot have guarantees, or its whole purpose is thwarted.”
9“To live your life without expectation–without the need for specific results–that is freedom. That is Godliness.”
10“Never resist anything. If you think that by your resistance you will eliminate it, think again. You only plant is more firmly in place. Have I not told you that all thought is creative?”