Jordan Bates • • 5 min read
The Sacred Magic of Apotheosis 3.0 (A Story in Photographs)

Damn, what an adventure.
Our third HighExistence / Apotheosis Retreat was an extraordinary experience.
28 of us, from 12 countries and 5 continents, convened at Soltara Healing Center on the jungle coast of Costa Rica for 5 days of profound, healing, transformational experiences. It was truly a sacred reset.

Boundless love for these intrepid souls. đź’™
Through diverse practices such as breathwork, yoga, meditation, eye gazing, ecstatic dance, plant medicine ceremonies, bear hugging, deep conversation, philosophical workshops, freestyle rap, star gazing, journaling, art creation, beach lounging, and more, this group of wondrous individuals merged into a beautiful tribe. We re-connected deeply with ourselves, with others, and with Nature, and we released many burdens in the process.
It was incredibly special that my dad, Dan Bates, joined us for this retreat. Road-tripping across Costa Rica together was a wild and unforgettable father-son expedition, to say the least.

Apotheosis 3.0 in Photographs
Here’s a vibrant look inside the retreat (thank you, Lauren, for your wonderful photography!):

Smiling Faces and Hugs on the Ferry After the Retreat:

Note of Thanks + Parting Words
Enormous thanks to every single human who attended the retreat or helped make it possible—you know who you are. Your commitment to co-creating “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible” inspires me tremendously. I love you all dearly.

Adoring hugs of gratitude to my fellow Apotheosis 3.0 team members—Adam Rice, Philippa Wilkin, Eric Brown, Janna Gesell, and Yahli Rashi—for your marvelous spirits, honorable service, and immense courage.
And a deep bow of gratitude to Melissa Lynne Stangl, Kendra Birdsall, and the rest of the amazing team at Soltara for artfully co-creating this experience with us. Your team’s integrity, care, and dedication to this important work are second to none.
Lastly, extra-vigorous bear hugs to the rest of the team at HighExistence and especially to my HighExistence brothers Martijn Schirp, Jon Brooks, and Jordan Lejuwaan, without whom HighExistence and Apotheosis would not exist. You guys are legends and inspire me to dream bigger and to forever seek wisdom.

It’s hard to believe our first Apotheosis retreat was less than a year ago. More than anything else I’ve ever done, co-creating and co-leading these events has been a momentous catalyst for my own growth and evolution. My heart overflows with gratitude. It’s been a crazy ride.
To everyone else: Thank you for reading this. Thank you for existing. Thank you for playing your part on this surreal Earth, in this astonishing community of trillions of sentient beings.
Cheers to growing with the flow, sharing our gifts, and savoring the holy fun of this juicy existence. We’re here to give and receive Love. Everything is always Okay on the deepest level; it cannot be otherwise. So take it easy, be cool to all, and enjoy your time on this funny planet.
With Love and Peace and Laughter,
P.S. Our Next Apotheosis Retreat…
Our next entheogenic retreat, Apotheosis 4.0, is happening June 2-7, 2019 in Costa Rica.
We’ll be working with plant medicine and a variety of other modalities to create a once-in-a-lifetime soul-kindling experience.
There are still a few spots remaining.
Feel called to join us? Apply here.
Here’s a sneak peek inside the world-class Imiloa Institute: An Educational Institute for the Advancement of Humanity, the location for Apotheosis 4.0… : )

Learn more about the retreat and apply on the Apotheosis website. ✨

Jordan Bates
Jordan Bates is a lover of God, father, leadership coach, heart healer, writer, artist, and long-time co-creator of HighExistence. —