Eric Brown • • 3 min read
Learning The Ultimate Meta-Skill and Bending Reality (HEx Dialogues #3)

Important note:
The HighExistence dialogues are where the three creators Jon Brooks, Eric Brown, and Mike Slavin come together to discuss life, the universe, and everything in between.
But if you’d like to follow up with us individually, be sure to subscribe to our new YouTube channels. Here are some places you can find out more…
- Mike Slavin’s beautiful video on how to navigate loss
- Jon Brooks’s practical video on Stoic strategies for overcoming anxiety
- Eric Brown in conversation shares his masterful insights on how to be productive
When’s the last time you learned something for the first time?
It might have been a while.
For many, education stops the moment school is finished. Should it continue to be this way? How we can learn new skills so that we can stay sovereignty and adaptable to a future that is constantly in flux?
Learning is the ultimate meta-skill.
It is the foundation of acquiring any other skill. It is the foundation that resilient humans are built upon.
To this end, there are a number of techniques, mindsets, and teachers that can be instrumental in helping us move towards mastery.
In the latest instalment of the HEx Dialogues, we dive into the nuance and opportunity present in learning, bending reality, and picking up the pace of skills acquisition.
If you find yourself wanting to become more adaptable, to level up quickly and consistently, this is a blueprint to doing exactly that.
- The great teachers and allies along the path
- A massive list of recommended readings and resources
- Jon, Mike, and Eric’s take on what we’re learning right now
- The fundamentals of skills acquisition and learning
- Is accelerated learning real? The potential and pitfalls
- The shortcomings of the current educational matrix
- How to bend reality and the journey to being superhuman
- The long and short road to mastery
(Please remember to leave a review because it helps us improve the podcast!)

Resources Mentioned
Eric Brown
- Everything That Remains — The Minimalists
- 12 Rules for Life — Jordan Peterson
- Global Tea Hut Magazine — Global Tea Hut
- Tao Te Ching — Lao Tzu
- Finite and Infinite Games — James Carse
- Discovery of the Presence of God — David Hawkins
Mike Slavin
- Alan Watts
- Awakening The Mind Meditation — Alan Watts
- The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are — Alan Watts
- The Wisdom of Insecurity — Alan Watts
- The Way of Zen — Alan Watts
Jon Brooks
- Tricks of the Mind — Derren Brown
- Happy — Derren Brown
- Irrationality — Stuart Sutherland
- Jon’s 10 Best Positive Psychology Books
- Jordan Peterson’s Maps of Meaning lectures
- Selective Attention Test (gorilla and basketball)
Next Recommended Podcast:
Justin Noppé on The Secret Strategies of “Super Learners” (HEx Podcast #27)

Eric Brown
I'm a creator, artist, writer, and experience designer. I help people become themselves.