Jordan Lejuwaan • • 2 min read
The Love Experiment: Conclusions

It’s been 7 days since I started the Love Experiment and all I have to say is wow.
Those of you who were also feelin’ the love this week will know what I’m talking about when I say I feel amazing. Being loving towards everyone completely removes most of the day-to-day anguish with other people. Even if you momentarily become frustrated, it’s so easy to take a deep breath, look at the person and think ‘Whoa, close one there! I love you and I hope you have a fantastic day.” It sounds so lovey-dovey and new-agey but it feels fantastic.
Overall my demeanor was much more positive than normal and happiness was virtually constant. It was a lot of fun taking my walk in the morning and coming up with nice things to ‘think’ towards strangers along the way. My favorite was silently wishing to any cigarette smokers that they have the best cigarette of their lives. I hate cigarettes with a passion so that was a big one for me.
One a more concrete note, I think being a loving person has a direct effect on how fast your goals come to fruition. I’ve been visualizing the traffic for HE being at 20,000 page views per day for over a month with little success. Then on the very first day I started putting love into practice (January 28th, yes I cheated and started a bit early…), the traffic began to rise. By the time I officially started the experiment, daily pageviews had reached over 25,000 per day — the highest ever and almost quadruple the previous average! Below is a chart to prove it. (The lighter color is page views, darker color is unique visitors).

Those numbers are still being reached today and are showing no sign of stopping. There is no logical reason for the increased traffic that I can find besides the start of the love :) HighExistence is exploding right now! That is a very good sign.
Since last week I’ve also had some very cool people reach out to me, both through HighExistence and people from my past. This could certainly be a coincidence but I like to think it has everything to do with the experiment.
In conclusion, life is just that much sweeter when you’re constantly loving. It may start out as a chore, but this attitude quickly evolves into an addicting habit. I have no plans of ever terminating this experiment-turned-mentality. Love love love.
P.S. Hey you! Yes you. I love you. Have an absolutely phenomenal day!