[Please note that we published this article at the very beginning of HighExistence. We don’t longer stand behind the arguments and the validity of these claims.]
Through the 1990’s, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water after being exposed to the different variables and subsequently frozen so that they would form crystalline structures. The results were nothing short of remarkable..
For example: Water Before Prayer Water After Prayer Biwako Lake (polluted) Shimanto River (clean) After observing these miraculous results, Dr. Emoto went on to type out different words, both positive and negative in nature, and taped them to containers full of water. The results were as follows: “You make me sick, I will kill you” “Adolph Hitler” “Thank you” “Love and Appreciation” As you can tell, the water stamped with positive words is far more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing than that stamped with dark, negative phrases. If you are reading this article on this particular website, you probably already knew that positive and negative thinking have a major impact on the surrounding environment. That concept is relatively easy to grasp, but this extremely tangible evidence of it is astounding. If the words and thoughts that come out of us have this effect on water crystals, it’s amazing to think of what kind of effect they have on the people and events that come into our lives. Oh and by the way, the average human body is 60% water. Ponder that one a while… Some may say that this could be the work of biased photographers or biased photo selection by Emoto himself. However, Emoto dispelled this accusation in an interview during which he stated: “This is one of the more difficult areas to clarify. However, from continuing these experiments we have come to the conclusion that the water is reacting to the actual words. For example, for our trip to Europe we tried using the words “thank you” and “you fool” in German. The people on our team who took the actual photographs of the water crystals did not understand the German for “you fool”, and yet we were able to obtain exactly the same kind of results in the different crystal formations based on the words used.”Once a certain vibration is introduced to the water, how long does the water “remember” that crystalline structure?“This will be different depending on the original structure of the water itself. Tap water will lose its memory quickly. We refer to the crystalline structure of water as “clusters.” The smaller the clusters, the longer the water will retain its memory. If there is too much space between the clusters, other information could easily infiltrate this space, making it hard for the clusters to hold the integrity of the information. Other micro-organisms could also enter this space. A tight bonding structure is best for maintaining the integrity of information.”What kind of words would create smaller clusters and what kind of words would create larger clusters?“Slang words like “you fool” destroy clusters. You would not see any crystals in these cases. Negative phrases and words create large clusters or will not form clusters, and positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tight clusters.”For more information on Emoto’s experiments with water, please visit his website